2024年6月13日(米国東部夏時間)、本拠点はJSPSと共催で第27回Science in Japan Forumを開催いたします。本イベントはJSPSが毎年主催しているイベントで、今回は”Conquering All Diseases by Metaverse-based Research”のテーマでWPI-PRIMeの研究者が登壇いたします。オンラインでもご視聴いただけますので、ぜひご参加ください。
日時 | 2024年6月13日(木)午後1時~6時(米国東部夏時間) 2024年6月14日(金)午前2時~7時(日本時間) |
開催形式 | ハイブリッド開催 |
会場 | Cosmos Club (2121 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 米国) ※オンサイトはご招待者のみとなります。オンラインはどなたでもご参加いただけます。 |
申込 | オンラインでのお申込はJSPS Washington Officeのウェブサイトからお手続きください。 |
テーマ | Conquering All Diseases by Metaverse-based Research |
講演者 | 西田幸二(大阪大学WPI-PRIMe拠点長) 武部貴則(シンシナティ小児病院/大阪大学WPI-PRIMe) Elisa Domínguez-Hüttinger(メキシコ国立自治大学/大阪大学WPI-PRIMe) 根本孝裕(大阪大学WPI-PRIMe) 谷内江望(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学/大阪大学WPI-PRIMe) |
パネルディスカッションのモデレーター | 桜田一洋(大阪大学WPI-PRIMe/慶応義塾大学) |
Until now, the causes of diseases that are caused solely by genetic or environmental factors have beenelucidated, and this development has led to longer lifespans. Yet, diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, anddementia, which develop with age, are currently rapidly increasing. Many of these conditions are caused by acombination of genetic and environmental factors, making them difficult to overcome with conventionalapproaches, and therefore necessitating new approaches. In response to this, the Premium Research Institute forHuman Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe) was launched at Osaka University in Japan in 2022 as part of the WorldPremier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) program. PRIMe aims to overcome all diseases by creatingnew scientific fields and developing disease prevention and treatment methods in the metaverse. The finaldestination of conquering all diseases is an ambitious goal that has persisted throughout human history.
At this symposium, after a keynote speech by WPI-PRIMe Center Director Koji Nishida, we will discussreplications of diseases using organoids (miniature organs, such as a set of liver, gallbladder, and spleen) andother cutting-edge technology. Further, we will discuss the Human Biodigital Twin, which integrates thosemeasurement data obtained from organoids and clinical data by utilizing information and mathematical science . Infuture, we would like to share the Human Metaverse, which is an information platform that will hold this BiodigitalTwin, with researchers and medical professionals around the world, and we also would like to discuss about futureresearch directions.