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Dec 26, 2023
ACIDES: on line monitoring of forward genetic screens for protein engineering

Protein screening is an experimental method employed to identify, analyze, and characterize proteins according to their structure and functions. This process plays a crucial role in diverse applications, including drug discovery and disease diagnostics.
Takahiro Nemoto (WPI-PRIMe), Deniz Dalkara (Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne Université), Ulisse Ferrari(Institut de la Vision, Sorbonne Université) and the research group developed ACIDES (Accurate Con dence Intervals for Directed Evolution Scores), a computational method to empower the analysis of directed evolution and deep mutational scanning experiments. ACIDES will allow experimentalists to reliably estimate variant performance, aid protein engineering and research pipelines in a range of applications, including gene therapy.

TitleACIDES: on line monitoring of forward genetic screens for protein
AuthorTakahiro Nemoto , Tommaso Ocari , Arthur Planul , Muge Tekinsoy , Emilia
A. Zin , Deniz Dalkara and Ulisse Ferrari
JournalNature Communications
Published dateDecember 26, 2023