
Our researchers

PRIMe researchers from diverse fields of study, nationalities, and backgrounds come together and collaborate “under-one-roof” to conduct interdisciplinary and integrative research.


Associate Professor/PI

Osaka University Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology

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Negoro Group website researchmap

Hyperpolarized MRI/NMR

Hyperpolarization technology can improve the sensitivity of MRI/NMR. In this study, we visualize the metabolic process in organoids with hyperpolarized MRI/NMR. We attempt to understand disease models at the quantum mechanical level by comparing data in organoid, in vivo, in vitro, and in silico.

Research Outline

PRIMe Dr Negoro


  1. Z. J. Wang, et al., “Hyperpolarized 13C MRI: State of the Art and Future Directions” Radiology (2019) 291, 273–284
  2. K Tateishi, MN, et al., “Room temperature hyperpolarization of nuclear spins in bulk” Proc Nat Acad Sci (2014) 111, 7527-7530
  3. A. Kagawa, MN, et al., “High-field NMR with dissolution triplet-DNP” J. Magn. Reson. (2019) 309, 106623
Quantum Sciences/Quantum Measurement
Associate Professors