KATO Kazuto
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
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Our researchers
PRIMe researchers from diverse fields of study, nationalities, and backgrounds come together and collaborate “under-one-roof” to conduct interdisciplinary and integrative research.
KATO Kazuto
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Addressing Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) and Promoting Patient and Public Engagement
To advance research on human metaverse medicine and develop technologies that can ultimately be used in society, it is necessary to address ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) associated with research and application. What should we be aware of when creating organ-like tissues (organoids) in a laboratory and utilize them for a variety of purposes? What issues need to be considered when using clinical or health-related data provided by patients? What actions need to be taken in response, so that the research and technological development conducted at PRIMe can bring maximum benefit to the society. By understanding the latest research in real time, we will find out how to respond to the issues. Furthermore, based on our extensive experiences of patient and public involvement (PPI), we will connect PRIMe researchers with patients and the public so that we can build trust between research and society.