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Johan Auwerx is Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He is using systems biology and genetics approaches to understand the role of mitochondria in health, disease, and aging. His work is relevant for the areas of genetics, systems biology, metabolism, muscle biology, and aging. His research spurred the development of new drugs, such as PPAR agonists, urolithin A, PARP inhibitors and other NAD boosters for the treatment of metabolic, cardio-vascular, renal, and neuro-muscular diseases. Johan Auwerx was elected as a member of EMBO in 2003 and has received many international scientific prizes, including the prestigious Marcel Benoist prize. He is the founder of several biotech companies.


  1. C. Canto, Z. Gerhart-Hines, J.N. Feige, M. Lagouge, L. Noriega, J.C. Millne, P. Puigserver, J. Auwerx. AMPK regulates energy expenditure by modulating NAD+ metabolism and SIRT1 activity. Nature, 2009, 458, 1056-1060. PMC3616311
  2. R. H. Houtkooper, L. Mouchiroud, D. Ryu, N. Moullan, E. Katsyuba, G. Knott, R.W. Williams, J. Auwerx. Mitonuclear protein inbalance as a conserved longevity mechanism. Nature, 2013, 497, 451-457. PMC3663447
  3. E.G. Williams, Y. Wu, S. Dubuis, P. Blattmann, C. Argmann, S. Houten, T. Amariuta, W. Wolski, N. Zamboni, R. Aebersold*, J. Auwerx*. (*co-corresponding authors) Systems proteomics and trans-omic integration illuminate new mechanisms in mitochondrial function. Science, 2016, 352, aad0189 – DOI: 10.1126/science.aad0189. PMID27284200
  4. V. Sorrentino, M. Romani, L. Mouchiroud, J.S. Beck, H. Zhang, D. D’Amico, N. Moullan, F. Potenza, A.W. Schmid, S. Rietsch, S. E. Counts, J. Auwerx. Enhancing mitochondrial proteostasis reduced amyloid-beta proteotoxicity. Nature, 2017, 552, 187-193. PMID: 29211722
  5. M. Bou Sleiman, S. Roy, A.W. Gao, M.C. Sadler, G.V.G. von Alvensleben, H. Li, S. Sen, D.E. Harrison, J.F. Nelson, R. Strong, R.A. Miller, Z. Kutalik, R.W. Williams*, J. Auwerx* (co-corresponding). Sex- and age-dependent genetics of longevity in a heterogeneous mouse population. Science, 2022, 377, eabo3191. Doi: 10.1126/science.abo3191. PMID36173858
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